everyday better

Tennis Lessons, Clinics, Tournaments, and Player Development in Florida’s Extended Tampa Bay Area for Players of All Ages and Levels


Recreational & High Performance

Lessons & Clinics


We offer recreational tennis for players of all ages and levels. In addition to helping connect similar level players in the community for independent play, we also offer extensive programming.

For adults, we offer both private lessons that cater to the individual as well as engaging and social group clinics.

For juniors, we incorporate the USTA sponsored 10 and Under Tennis program and progress the kids through Red, Orange, and Yellow programming. Older kids have the option of the Yellow programming and progressing to the High Performance level.

Individualized Training

High Performance

Our high performance program is based on a holistic methodology of evaluating players based on both tangible skills (mental, physical, technical, tactical) as well as intangible and life skills.

Every player sets individual goals. Their training and competition schedules are then designed to efficiently accelerate their progress without overtraining. Detailed developmental plans are created, updated regularly, and re evaluated quarterly or semi annually.  Training consists of on court private and small group practice, private and independent physical training, independent match play, and tournament coaching.


Evaluations & Developmental Plans

Holistic Player Evaluations


Our player evaluations are holistic in the sense that we meet with a player, their parents, and their coaches/trainers to look at the whole person as well as the player. Our life skills evaluation reviews a players hydration, nutrition, sleep, and stress management. The intangible skills we look at involve the players awareness, resilience, and ability to trouble shoot.

The bulk of the evaluation is an in depth analysis of a players technical, tactical, mental and physical skills. We take into consideration a players natural strengths and limitations and evaluate their skills based on what we see is their ultimate potential.

The evaluations are then used by the players primary coach to set short, medium, and long term goals to build towards envisioned weapons, fill gaps and weaknesses, and to overall build a complete player.  

In Depth Periodized Plans

Developmental plans

The creation of a player’s developmental plan starts with a meeting with the players team of coaches, trainers, as well as their parents. We establish the players vision in regards to both their competitive goals as well as their playing style.

We then conduct the player evaluation and begin to review the players current, medium, and long term goals. Using the evaluation we document and fine tune the players future goals, indvidualize their physical training routines to specifically enhance and accelerate the progress towards those goals, and document and fine tune the players training and competing schedules.

Depending on the players commitment, the schedule can be periodized in order to peak at certain events and also to utilize off season training. Our plans are created as live documents and spreadsheets which can be adjusted and updated day to day by the players team. Re evaluations and setting of goals is recommended quarterly or semi annually.


NEWS & Updates

Clay Court Nationals 2024

Clay Court Nationals 2024

Yuanye Ma and Henry Wilson trained at Pure Pace Tennis for a week before we all went to Delray Beach for Clay Court Nationals where the top 200 16's and 18's boys battled it out. After good preparation and acclimation to the rough conditions of Florida in the summer both of them earned 2 gutsy wins against some of the top players in the country and had their best runs at L1's yet. Everyday Better!

Monthly UTR Tournaments

Monthly UTR Tournaments

We are starting monthly tournaments the first weekend of the month in May for all ages, levels, and genders. Our first event will be the weekend of 5/4-5 and is ready to take registrations. In order to register you will need to sign up for free at the UTR website and then register for the event at the link below.  Registration Link: https://app.utrsports.net/clubs/1173101?t=4

A-Game: Junior vs Pro/D1

A-Game: Junior vs Pro/D1

What is the difference between junior high performance tennis and D1/Professional Men's and Women's tennis? What do the best players in college and most players on tour do that most juniors do not? There is more to it than physical development and power/consistency in the rally. There is more to it than the mental/emotional maturing needed to compete at the highest level. There is a wide variety of technique that players are able to be successful with. Beyond these physical/emotional/technical...

